Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Get Wii fit with me - Week 1

So for the past week or so I've been trying to cut down on the junk food, start eating more healthy and working out more. Now for about a month now my weight has ballooned up to 12 stone, which is for my height and age (6ft and 19) pretty bad, now it's more that I'm uncomfortable in my own skin being a little heavyer than it is looking fat and since I've rediscovered my old wii board I thought it was about time I got down to my comfortable weight and feel better in myself. So far I've been pretty good, I've documented my workout and here's how I've done on my first week.

Before I started anything I decided to bite the bullet and weigh myself first thing, I was shocked at the outcome but I felt more motivated to work out, so I guess it's a good thing in the long run! So since last time i put on 9lb so not a happy bunny by this point and I gave myself a target of losing a stone in 3 months, that's a pound a week! 

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday - I started off by really enjoying the more of the cardio/fat burning work outs, so I did a few of them and did a few sit ups for good measure in each day, and by the middles of the week I was obsessed with the hoola hooping and dance step.

Thursday, Friday & Saturday - having a full on work out at the start of the week, I decided to take it a little slower and gave yoga a go, to my supprise I really enjoyed it, it relaxed me and made me feel like i really stretched all my muscles so great for in the morning.

Sunday - As we all know I am still a dancer and I usually get dedicated most Sundays to do rehearsals for my dance company which I do for 6 hours, so I obviously count that as a good work out.

I've been eating really well this week too, snacking on a lot of fruit and drinking a whole lot of water and hopefully if I keep all this goodness up I may even loose the weight I want which is around my hips and thighs!

Hope you enjoyed my work out post!
Post soon,
Danielle xoxo
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