Tuesday, 12 March 2013

MAC Pro Long Wear Paint Pot in Let's Skate // Review

Hello my gorgeous readers!

Today I give you yet another review, but this time on a brand that everyone and their dog has raved about; MAC. Now all in all MAC is OK... even though I only have 3 of their products I just don't find them amazing. But I will go in depth about that in a different post.

So one of the items in my oh so minimal MAC collection was a recent purchase  I bought this little cutie when I visited London at the start of this year at the MAC counter in Harrods. (May I just mention that the Asian lady who works there is top notch so make sure you get her to help you out if you go!) I got one of the limited winter edition paint pots in Let's Skate. Now my first impression was that it is a beautiful baby pink with lots of violet shimmers, I thought it would brighten up my eyes during this very cold winter we are currently having in England. But when I got home I was oh so wrong, first try and first application I was ever so disappointed as this was my first proper nice MAC thing I owned and it just like crap on my eyelid. (excuse my french) I was even more disappointed that I payed £15.50 for this cruddy little tub and it did me no justice.

(Excuse my mighty chipped nails, I was supposed to get a manicure yesterday but it snowed! And excuse my just woken up bare face!!)

right - 2 applications // left - 1 application

So I waited.. a good couple of weeks until yesterday when I thought to myself "hmm maybe im putting it on wrong/ hmm maybe I didn't put enough on" but no such luck, I tried applying it with my fingers, a brush and a sponge and it still looked sheer but patchy, so I did a thicker coat, less sheer, but still ever so patchy. Now I don't know if I have a faulty pot or what but all in all I hate this product to the bone. At the counter I was umming and ahhing whether to get this one or Vintage Selection but glitter got the better of me so I purchased this one. I am so unhappy and I wish I saved my money for a couple of bags of caramelized cashews for me and my mum to share in stead.. at least I would of been satisfied! May I also mention that swatched on my hand it is not sheer or patchy at all and that there is a lot of glitter fall out with this product so mind out if you do decide to buy it! (I don't want to look like a fairy in the office MAC, its not quite the look im going for at work!)

Hopefully my next MAC purchase wont be as rubbish!!
Thanks for reading my lovelies,
Love Dannie xx


Monday, 11 March 2013

Update & Week In Pictures // #3

Hello my beauties!!

It has been a wee while since I blogged! (shocking I know) and if you've been following me on my twitter then you will know why, if you don't then ill give you a little heads up on whats been happening in the past month in the world of Dannie!

Firstly surprising to hear I finally found a job, which is the main reason why I've been so MIA these past weeks. I wont go into too much detail as I don't want everyone and their mum knowing where im located! haha. But I will say Im basically in an office job (boreeee) and yep it may not be the best job in the world but I needed one desperately as Im at that awkward age where I don't get child support as Im not a classed as a 'child' anymore and Im not old enough to claim benefits as Im not classed as an 'adult' either.. So im neither a child nor an adult, fantastic, So I am a nothing. Anyway I guess Im glad I got a job because when i turn 18 I didn't really want to turn to benefits, its just not the sort of thing I would want to do. So Im in it for the money on this one! Hopefully my beauty/makeup career kicks in soon because as you all know that is my real passion. I have been working 6 days a week and on the 7th I have been dancing, so a no-can-do on the blogging and videoing side! But now that I am on my shift hours I will be back on track with this and also Youtube. #firstdayoffin3weekswoohoo!

Anyways, want to know what I've been doing lately... in pictures? Well your in luck!

Left to Right - Prepped & Clean Dressing Table // Selfie, Mothers day meal // Obsession with the Professor Layton games // #snapbacksunday pic of my Mumma and myself // My healthy snacks (berrys, nuts & fruit & a breakfast bar) // My leaving presents from my old work (Cat wind-chime, xoxo mug, & a kitty card) // My takeaway cup dilemmas i.e. lipstick stains // My cloudy and I // My beautiful Eden and myself at dancing! 

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to check out my oh so sexy links --
Twitter & Youtube

I will be filming tomorrow so make sure you check that out as well! Hope you had a lovely week and many more to come! Its currently 10:10pm its Ice cold and there is lots of snow outside (in the middle of march?!) I think its time for me to hit the hay! See you tomorrow ;)

Post soon! Love Dannie

Pssssst, And one last thing, Once I hit 100 subbies on youtube, you may or may not see a HUGE haul (keep your eyes peeled!) hushhush though it may be exclusive to my readers... who knows ;)
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