Monday, 11 March 2013

Update & Week In Pictures // #3

Hello my beauties!!

It has been a wee while since I blogged! (shocking I know) and if you've been following me on my twitter then you will know why, if you don't then ill give you a little heads up on whats been happening in the past month in the world of Dannie!

Firstly surprising to hear I finally found a job, which is the main reason why I've been so MIA these past weeks. I wont go into too much detail as I don't want everyone and their mum knowing where im located! haha. But I will say Im basically in an office job (boreeee) and yep it may not be the best job in the world but I needed one desperately as Im at that awkward age where I don't get child support as Im not a classed as a 'child' anymore and Im not old enough to claim benefits as Im not classed as an 'adult' either.. So im neither a child nor an adult, fantastic, So I am a nothing. Anyway I guess Im glad I got a job because when i turn 18 I didn't really want to turn to benefits, its just not the sort of thing I would want to do. So Im in it for the money on this one! Hopefully my beauty/makeup career kicks in soon because as you all know that is my real passion. I have been working 6 days a week and on the 7th I have been dancing, so a no-can-do on the blogging and videoing side! But now that I am on my shift hours I will be back on track with this and also Youtube. #firstdayoffin3weekswoohoo!

Anyways, want to know what I've been doing lately... in pictures? Well your in luck!

Left to Right - Prepped & Clean Dressing Table // Selfie, Mothers day meal // Obsession with the Professor Layton games // #snapbacksunday pic of my Mumma and myself // My healthy snacks (berrys, nuts & fruit & a breakfast bar) // My leaving presents from my old work (Cat wind-chime, xoxo mug, & a kitty card) // My takeaway cup dilemmas i.e. lipstick stains // My cloudy and I // My beautiful Eden and myself at dancing! 

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to check out my oh so sexy links --
Twitter & Youtube

I will be filming tomorrow so make sure you check that out as well! Hope you had a lovely week and many more to come! Its currently 10:10pm its Ice cold and there is lots of snow outside (in the middle of march?!) I think its time for me to hit the hay! See you tomorrow ;)

Post soon! Love Dannie

Pssssst, And one last thing, Once I hit 100 subbies on youtube, you may or may not see a HUGE haul (keep your eyes peeled!) hushhush though it may be exclusive to my readers... who knows ;)

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