Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Anxiety & Depression; dealing with public transport.

This subject really hits home to me because this time last year I got diagnosed with depression and sevier anxiety so for the past year I really didn't think it would be able to even step foot into a train or a bus again just because there's something about traveling on any sort of public transport that makes me very nervous. I guess it's just the fact that  leaving the house on your own is a independent thing to do even if you are 19 years old and have done it many times... It's almost as if you have to somehow regain your confidence so today I faced my fear and traveled on both a bus and a train. My experience? It went much better than I antisapated so here are my tips if you are a fellow sufferer.

1 - keep calm, cool and collected. Whether your on a train or a bus you need to act quite mellow, you don't want to start having a panic attack and drawing attention to yourself.

2 - try and find a seat that you can sit by youself. If you happen to be on a two seater try to bring a large handbag with you that can suclude you from the crowd

3 - have your closest parent or other half on speed dial. Personally for me bus journeys make me the most anxious so speaking to a close friend while I'm having a panic attack really calms my nerves.

I hope this short little blog post helped even one person suffering out there, just remember your not alone in this, if you want to contact me I'm more than happy to help you. My links are in the discription box. 

Post soon,
Danielle xxx

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