Since the colder weather has been slowly creeping up on us, I've been really into really relaxing baths at the dead of night, to wind me down ready for dream land. I have noticed there have been quite a few reoccurring products every time I want to have a wind down bath. So I thought id share them with you!
To prepare my bath I like to put the hot water on full blast and pour in a mix of two products; Radox bath smoothies in Sprit booster and the Soap and Glory calm one calm all bubble bath, I think the mix of these two products just gives a perfect amount of fruity scent of the Radox with balancing fragrance of the soap and glory. It mixes beautifully and gives a perfect amount of bubbles! soap and glory calm one calm all RRP: £9.99/Radox shower smoothie RRP: £3.99
While I'm drowning my troubles away amongst the bubbles I love using the Soap and Glory Clean on me body wash, as it's a great shaving cream too! RRP: £9.99 I then usually pamper myself by giving myself a nice facial and one of my all time favourites is the Montage Jeunesse face mask in anti stress mud pack, it's got a lovely cologne smell and it really helps to get rid of any under the spots that I get on my skin, RRP: £0.99!!! To take that mask off once it's dried out I like to take my well loved Emma Hardie cleansing balm and give myself a quick face massage! RRP: £35.99.
Once I've finished splashing around, I smother myself in a lovely rich body butter and a great one for the summer time that I've been obsessed with is (again) Soap and glory body butter in Orangasm (rude!) but oh how luxurious this feels! RRP: £10.99.
And that's about it really, nice simple products that really work well for me and really relaxes me after work!
Hope you enjoyed!
Post soon!
Danielle xoxo